Selling Products With Your Shopify Development Store—Is It Possible?

Head and shoulders photo of Jessica Hughes
By Jessica Hughes
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published July 3, 2024.

Shopify store owner testing products on a Shopify development store and reviewing mobile optimization

You can sell anything and everything in Shopify, from clothes to plants to pet supplies, but what about developers who don't have anything physical to offer?

Developers can definitely use Shopify as a way to earn money, and this is how:

  • You can build Shopify themes.
  • You can create Shopify apps.
  • You can develop stores for clients and then get paid once you've transferred ownership of the store to them.

Can You Sell Products With Your Shopify Development Store?

As previously mentioned, developers don't generally sell anything physical (unless you've written a book or published a course).

However, you can sell themes and apps you've developed through the Shopify Theme Store and the Shopify App Store, respectively.

Before you begin creating anything through Shopify, you'll have to sign up for the Partner Program. The Shopify Partner Program costs nothing to join and offers the opportunity to experiment with the platform.

Here are some benefits and limitations when it comes to the free version of the Shopify Development Store:

The Benefits

  • You can process an unlimited number of test stores.
  • You can create up to ten custom apps.
  • You can test apps before use.
  • You can create an unlimited number of test orders.
  • You can assign a custom domain.

The Limitations

  • You can't remove the password page.
  • You can only install partner-friendly and free apps.
  • You can't test orders using real transactions.

How Many Development Shopify Stores Can You Have?

Shopify allows you to create an unlimited number of Development Stores as long as you sign up for the Shopify Partner Program. Luckily, however, to stop any sort of confusion, there are a few apps that help you manage multiple stores.

Don't Know what Shopify is?

Start your own online eCommerce business using Shopify platform. Shopify gives you all the tools needed to make the journey easier, faster and more profitable.

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