4 Simple Steps to Creating a Percentage (%) Discount in Shopify

Rob Elgar - Writer for Egnition
By Rob Elgar
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer

Published June 23, 2024.

A woman seated at a desk in a warehouse office, inputting values into her laptop, while holding a box in her left hand.

Offering discounts to your customers is a powerful marketing tool that allows them to feel valued and like they have greater purchasing power. This can quickly boost your brand's popularity, drive a higher number of sales, and, ultimately, increase your profits.

Percentage-based discounts apply a discount to the total of an order or a specific product according to your specified discount amount, e.g., 20% off. This discount remains constant regardless of the price or currency used.

Follow these simple steps to add a percentage discount to Shopify.

1. Navigate to the "Discounts" Tab

Log in to your Shopify Admin and navigate to the Discounts tab on the left.

Navigate to discount tab

2. Create a Discount

From the Manage discounts and promotions window, click Create discount.

Select "create discount"

From the pop-up window, select the class of discount you wish to create. For % discounts, choose from Amount off products or Amount off orders.

Select discount class

3. Configure the Attributes of the Discount

Next, you'll need to configure the attributes of your discount:

Discount Code

Decide if you want the discount to be automatic or if your customer will need a discount code.

  • For Automatic discounts, input a title you wish your customers to see.
Choose title

  • If you opt for a Discount code, you can manually input a discount code of your choice or choose to have it automatically generated.


Under the Value section, you can choose from a percentage discount or a fixed amount.

  • Select Percentage and enter the percentage discount you wish to offer.
Enter % amount

Applies to

In the same Value box from the above step, select what the discount is applied to. You'll have the options of:

  • Specific collections
  • Specific products

Once you've selected specific products or collections, click Browse to search for the collection or products you wish to apply the discount to.

Apply discount to...

Minimum Requirement

Next, you'll need to set the minimum purchase requirements to activate the discount.

Your options include:

  • No minimum requirements
  • Minimum purchase amount
  • Minimum quantity of items

If you wish for no minimum requirements, select the relevant box and move on.

If you wish to set a minimum purchase amount, select Minimum purchase amount and enter the amount (in your store's currency) that customers need to spend to obtain the discount.

Minimum purchase amount

To set limits by item quantity, select Minimum quantity of items and enter the required value.

Minimum item quantity

Customer Eligibility

Under the Customer eligibility box, you'll be able to select which customers, or which type of customers, will qualify to use the discount.

You can choose from:

  • All customers
  • Specific customer segments
  • Specific customers

For specific customers, select Browse and choose the customers you want to make eligible for the discount.

select eligibility

For specific customer segments, select Browse and choose one of the following segments:

  • Customers who haven't purchased
  • Customers who have purchased more than once
  • Abandoned checkouts in the last 30 days
  • Email subscribers

Usage Limits

Next, decide how you want to limit your discount. Select either:

  • Limit to one use per customer, or
  • Limit number of times this discount can be used in total.

If you want to set a usage limit, select the relevant box and input the value.

Select discount usage

Active Dates

Finally, select the dates your discount should run. Select a start date and time, but choosing an end date is optional.

select discount running dates

4. Save & Promote Your Discount

Once you've configured your discount, you can review its details in the box on the right-hand side of your screen.

If you're happy with your configuration, select Save discount, and your percentage discount will be added to your Shopify store.

Review and save

Once your discount is saved, you can promote it throughout social media and your other chosen marketing channels.

Final Verdict

The process of adding discounts by percentage in Shopify is straightforward, but specific situations and conditions require more in-depth thought. Using an app such as Order to Discount by Egnition will automate your customer care process and allow you to create specific email and discount templates.

This will ensure that your customers get the best available support, feel valued regardless of their situation, and, ultimately, bring them back over and over, thus boosting your sales and ROI.

Order to Discount

» Check out this Order to Discount review for more details

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