Successful Marketing Incentives to Retain E-Commerce Customers

Head and shoulders photo of Jessica Hughes
By Jessica Hughes
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published July 3, 2024.

eCommerce merchant sitting in front of a laptop computer with colleagues discussing marketing strategies

Once you have your Shopify store up and running, you want customers to come and buy your products or even have previous customers come back.

But how do you do that? Two simple words: marketing incentives.

Marketing incentives are rewards that you can give to your potential customers to encourage conversions. Said conversions could include anything from follow-up emails with signup requests to referrals, website visits, and initial and repeat purchases.

The whole point is to keep customers coming back for more.

Examples of Successful Marketing Incentives

There are multiple marketing incentives that you could employ to help with customer retention. However, some of them may work for certain businesses but not for others.

Here are a few examples of successful marketing incentives:

  • A referral bonus, where your customer could recommend your business to a friend, and they both earn some sort of bonus
  • Giveaways in competitions
  • Loyalty programs that can be joined for free
  • Exclusive prices for loyalty
  • Premium membership features
  • Early access for premium members

How to Incentivize Customers to Buy

There are multiple ways that you can make coming back to your business irresistible to customers. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Buy one, get one free
  • Free delivery once the customer's order reaches or goes over a certain amount
  • A free bonus item with their purchase
  • Coupons
  • Sales, such as item bundles—read our guide to adding products to Shopify collections to help you do so
  • Discount codes
  • Free upgrade with their purchase (whether that be with an item, a service, or a premium membership)
  • Sweepstakes where the customer's purchase over a certain amount equals an entry

You can also use email marketing software to send automatic messages reminding customers about any time-limited incentives.

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