How to Create Dummy Data in E-Commerce

Head and shoulders photo of Jessica Hughes
By Jessica Hughes
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published July 2, 2024.

Computer screen with mixed numbers and letters symbolizing dummy data

Dummy data is simulated data that's been generated at random and used in place of live data whenever any sort of test is being run. In other words, dummy data acts as a replacement for real data so that, if anything goes wrong while tests are being done, there are barely any repercussions.

» Using dummy data for your Shopify store has various benefits

4 Ways to Create Dummy Data

There are various ways to create dummy data, as well as multiple programs you can use to help you do just that. However, it's possible for you to adequately put together dummy datasets in a program as easy to use as Microsoft Excel.

There are at least four ways to create dummy data that vary in complexity. There are more ways to generate Excel dummy data, but these are the simplest:

  1. You can enter any data manually. This can be anything from a bunch of random letters, numbers, names, months, etc. Basically, anything that means something to you.
  2. You can use the sequence function to generate a quick dataset. For example, making a sequence with TEXT, DATE, YEAR, and TODAY will create a dynamic list of months for the header row.
  3. You can create a categorical grouping variable by grouping unquantifiable data to get a dataset with qualitative characteristics.
  4. You can write a numeric grouping variable and create a quantifiable dataset whose values are numbers.

» Still not sure dummy data will help? Here's why your e-commerce store needs dummy data

Easily Create Dummy Data With Egnition

  • Easily generate dummy data for your development store.
  • Test user journeys and flows by generating customers and orders.
  • Delete test data with one click.

To save the time and effort that manually generating dummy data requires, you can opt for an easy-to-use dummy data generator like Egnition's Simple Sample Data. With this solution, you'll be able to create dummy data for testing and optimize your Shopify store database in no time.

Whether you decide to create dummy data yourself or use a helpful sample data generator like this one, using dummy data is an essential way to improve your store management.

Simple Sample Data

2.9/5(10 reviews)

» Check out this comprehensive Simple Sample Data review to learn more

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