Shopify Domain Cancelation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Elijah Adebayo - Writer for Egnition
By Elijah Adebayo
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer
Joel Taylor
Fact-check by Joel Taylor

Published May 18, 2024.

Shopify seller sitting in front of a laptop looking confused while trying to cancel his Shopify domain

Running an e-commerce store requires plenty of behind-the-scenes work—including carefully managing your Shopify domain. This isn't just any standard URL address. Rather, it serves as the face of your business on the web and helps you make great first impressions on potential customers while also creating long-term brand loyalty from repeat customers.

However, what happens when circumstances dictate otherwise? Whether you're rebranding your store or closing up your store, Shopify's domain cancelation process is straightforward and quick.

NOTE: Canceling your Shopify domain isn't enough to permanently close your Shopify store. You have to cancel your Shopify subscription too. Alternatively, consider temporarily pausing your Shopify store.

Canceling Your Shopify Domain

Step 1: Access the Shopify Admin Panel

Start by logging into your Shopify account as the owner. Once you've successfully logged into the Shopify Admin Panel interface, select Settings from the left-hand sidebar.

Screenshot of logging into the Shopify admin dashboard and locating the settings function as the first step of cancelling your Shopify domain

Step 2: Navigate to the "Domains" Section

In the Settings section, click on Domains. This is where all your domains and their linked online stores are listed.

Screenshot of accessing your listed Shopify domains as part of cancelling your Shopify domain

Step 3: Select the Domain to be Canceled

Click on the domain you want to cancel. You'll see a page with details like the domain Target and type. If the domain is your primary domain, Change domain type first before you delete it.

Screenshot of accessing domain type and target as part of cancelling your Shopify domain

» Find out how to manage multiple Shopify stores under one domain

Step 4: Cancel the Domain

To cancel your chosen domain, click on the Delete domain button.

Screenshot of cancelling your Shopify domain by clicking the delete domain button

Step 5: Confirm the Cancelation

A pop-up window will appear, asking you to confirm that you want to remove the domain. Click on Remove to proceed. You'll receive another message saying that you've successfully removed your domain.

Screenshot of confirming your cancellation of your Shopify domain

Following the deletion, you need to inform your customers via email or any other way that's most effective for you. Remember to also update any related web links, social media profiles, business cards, flyers, and any other marketing materials that feature your old domain name.

Potential Challenges During Domain Cancelation

Here are recommendations and solutions to address possible Shopify domain cancelation issues:

  • Domain Transfer Errors: Check eligibility, authorization codes, and privacy and renewal settings before transferring the domain. Contact the new provider if errors persist.
  • Domain Transfer Lock: Wait 60 days after registration changes to avoid losing domain ownership. Canceling during lockout makes the domain available to others.

Parting Ways Doesn't Have to be Sorrowful

While canceling your Shopify domain doesn't have to be complicated, you can face unwanted consequences if you don't do it properly. This includes losing your domain name, getting charged renewal fees, or having your website taken down. But with our expert tips, you can part ways with your Shopify domain hassle-free.

» Want to create more domains instead? Here's how to set up multiple domains under one Shopify account

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