How do I sort by "featured collection" on Shopify?

Asked 3 years ago

I want to change the order of my Shopify products and sort them by featured collection. Can anyone please tell me how to do this?

Bryce Poole

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Here is how you can change the default sorting of your Shopify product collection in a few simple steps:

  1. Go to your Shopify admin.
  2. Click on the "Products" label.
  3. Next, click the "Collections" option.
  4. Pick the collection that you wish to make changes to.
  5. Go to the "Products" options. There, you will find a detailed list of your indexed products.
  6. Select "Sort" to sort orders.
  7. Now You have a choice of whether you want to sort "manually." Go with this option.
  8. Now click and drag your products one by one to sort. Or you can perform bulk actions by selecting multiple products and clicking Move.
  9. Finally, click "Save."

Note: This process only works with the front-end lib V1 from Boost Commerce.


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