3 Major Benefits of Creating Sub-Collections in Shopify

Rob Elgar - Writer for Egnition
By Rob Elgar
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer
Joel Taylor
Fact-check by Joel Taylor

Published July 3, 2024.

eCommerce merchant holding hands around small boxes of sub collections

Organizing your Shopify product catalog into sub-collections can make it easier for your customers to find what they're looking for because it creates a guided shopping journey for them.

Creating sub-collections in Shopify has multiple benefits but can't be done without the use of an external app.

» Unsure how to organize your products in Shopify? Follow these tips to increase Shopify sales

1. Enhances Overall Customer Experience

Navigating through hundreds of products to find what you're looking for is tedious and will often send potential customers in a different direction. Sub-collections break products into smaller subgroups, narrowing the search results and, ultimately, simplifying navigation. This creates an effortless shopping experience and, ultimately, higher potential sales.

2. Enables More Cross-Selling Opportunities

Sub-collections allow you to strategically group products together or create unique combinations that may encourage customers to buy products together. By leveraging small sub-collections, you can create a larger variety of combinations, allowing you to test what works best, upsell, and enhance your cross-sold products.

3. Improves Shopify Store SEO

By creating sub-collections, you automatically build a physical silo URL structure that builds a natural hierarchy, thus making it easier for customers to find your store. Not only will search engines better understand your page structure, but sending customers through a sub-collection journey will increase engagement and, ultimately, boost your SEO.

Final Verdict

With a better SEO ranking and a streamlined customer experience, sub-collections combined with cross-selling have a high potential to boost sales.

An app can help you achieve this easily. The Bestsellers reSort app by Egnition will allow you to create custom sorting rules using SKU codes, create different sorting rules for different collections, and, ultimately, provide you with complete control over your collections and how they're sorted.

Bestsellers reSort

4.8/5(73 reviews)

» Find out more about this app in the following Bestsellers reSort review

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