How to Permanently Deactivate Your Shopify Store in 5 Simple Steps

Rob Elgar - Writer for Egnition
By Rob Elgar
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer

Published July 3, 2024.

Closed store locked with a chain

Whether your online sales numbers are dropping or you can't keep up with managing multiple Shopify stores, you may be considering canceling or deactivating your Shopify store.

Unless you're working on a development store, you can quickly and permanently close your Shopify account in 5 easy steps.

Pro tip:

Before you move on, however, you should consider closing third-party subscriptions, transferring your custom domain (if applicable), and backup your database by exporting it as a CSV file.

5 Steps to Delete Your Shopify Store Permanently

To permanently cancel and delete your Shopify store:

  1. Log into your Shopify Admin and navigate to Settings > Plan.
  2. Select Close Store, and when asked if you want to sell or close your store, select Close Store again.
  3. Enter your password in the text box and click Confirm.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select a reason for closing your store.
  5. Click Close my store.

If you change your mind after deleting your store, Shopify will save your store and all your data for 30 days, which allows you to reactivate it if needed.

» Consider pausing your Shopify store first to assess your situation

Closing Up Shop

Inventory management issues across multiple stores, slacking sales, or domain migration are a few reasons you may want to close your Shopify store. Providing you cancel all your prescriptions and are up to date with payments, this can be done in minutes and reversed if needed.

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