What Is the Product Tag Limit in Shopify?

Daniël de Jager - Writer for Egnition
By Daniël de Jager
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer
Joel Taylor
Fact-check by Joel Taylor

Published July 3, 2024.

eCommerce merchant sitting in front of a laptop computer managing Shopify product tags

Product tags are a great way to sort your products and perform bulk actions. While more is generally better, Shopify enforces a product tag limit of 250 per product. The entire store doesn't have a tag limit, though, giving you the freedom to scale with your products. Just like hreflang tags can help users with different languages use your website, product tags can cater to a wider audience.

» What else are product tags used for in Shopify? Discover how product tags affect your online store's SEO

How to Make the Most of Product Tags—Even With a Limit

Shopify store owners should make the most of product tags to keep everything sorted and organize metrics better. Developing a strategy that standardizes the product tagging process is essential. Otherwise, it will be difficult to search for and manage your products. Not only does a good strategy help the store, but it also helps customers search your website for the products they need by using tags to filter collections.

Bigger stores that have many product lines and thousands of products with several attributes and qualities might hit the limit if product tags are added recklessly. Then the store will need to start deleting tags, resulting in a mess. A method of optimizing tags is to create a master tag bank from which new product tags need to be pulled. You should also be naming your tags in ways that make sense, using words that are easy to understand and remember.

Final Verdict

The sky isn't always the limit, but if you ensure you manage your tags well, then the 250-tag limit won't be something you should be worried about.

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