Add the Sticky "Add to Cart" Button in Shopify in 5 Minutes

Find out how to boost your Shopify sales by adding a sticky "Add to Cart" button.

Head and shoulders photo of Jessica Hughes
By Jessica Hughes
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer

Updated July 9, 2024.

A neon add to cart sign representing the sticky add to cart button in Shopify.

The sticky "Add to Cart" button is a bar or button that stays at the top or bottom of the screen as your shopper browses your Shopify store.

This means it remains within easy reach, so your shopper doesn't have to scroll back to the main "Add to Cart" button, which could break their concentration while shopping. This feature enhances user experience and complements other customer-focused functions, such as adding a back-in-stock notification form or creating custom filters.

» Take your customer experience to the next level. Discover additional ways to improve your Shopify store

How to Add the Sticky "Add to Cart" Button in Shopify

There are various methods for adding the sticky "Add to Cart" button to your Shopify store. Some involve using an app, while others require coding it yourself.

Method 1: Integrate an App

If you choose to integrate an app, it will take you less than five minutes. Simply search the app store, select the relevant app, add it to your Shopify store, and you're good to go.

Sticky Add To Cart BOOSTER PRO is one of the top-rated apps in the Shopify App Store, with 4.9 stars out of 1,731 reviews (as of July 2024). The app offers a 14-day free trial and includes a Sticky Checkout Bar feature, which makes adding products to the cart and checking out a smooth experience for your customers.

» Keep your customers engaged and returning. Explore key tactics, like the sticky 'Add to Cart' button, that make shopping seamless

Method 2: Code Your Own

There are a few steps to follow if you decide to code your own sticky "Add to Cart" button for your Shopify store:

1. Locate the Shopify "Add to Cart" form on the product page

The location of the "Add to Cart" form depends on your Shopify theme. For example, the Debut theme locates it in product-template.liquid, while the Dawn theme houses it in main-product.liquid.

2. Copy the original code

Paste it a second time beneath the first entry. You might see two of the same "Add to Cart" buttons in your Shopify store, which is absolutely fine.

3. Add an ID called "sticky-atc"

The code should look like this:


4. Add the code in the theme.css file

If you're using the Dawn theme, for example, you'll find the main CSS file in base.css. At the end of the base.css file, paste the following code:

#sticky-atc {
 display: block;
 position: fixed;
 bottom: 0;
 left: 0;
 z-index: 100;
 width: 100%;
 /* Add "background: #000;" to change the color of your ATC button*/
 /* Add "color: #fff;" to change the color of your ATC text*/

» Learn how to change text on the "Add to Cart" button in Shopify

Optimize the Buyer Journey Beyond Sticky "Add to Cart" Buttons

Having a sticky "Add to Cart" button is a great way to make it convenient for shoppers to purchase products they love. But what if you could enhance their shopping experience even further by showcasing the products they're most likely to enjoy? This is where Egnition's Bestsellers reSort software comes in handy.

With this smart product placement tool, you can create custom rules that prioritize your bestsellers within each collection. So, when a customer lands on a collection page, they'll see the products with the highest conversion rates right at the top, practically screaming, "Add me to your cart!"

Here's how Bestsellers reSort complements your sticky "Add to Cart" strategy:

  • Customers will immediately see the bestsellers, so they'll be more likely to click "Add to Cart."
  • They might find new products they didn't even know they wanted and add those to their cart too.
  • When people see that others are buying certain products, they'll trust them more and want to buy them too.

» Optimize your top sellers for maximum impact. Explore the best ways to manage your bestsellers in Shopify

Discover more benefits of Bestsellers reSort for optimizing the buyer journey:

Do It Your Way

Anyone can create the sticky "Add to Cart" button for Shopify. Integrating apps will certainly be easier for some than coding. But whatever you choose, it will be a quick and painless procedure, guaranteed.

» Go beyond sticky "Add to Cart" buttons. Discover how smarter product placement can transform your store's user experience

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