How can I keep track of popular out-of-stock items to prioritize restocking?

Asked 10 months ago

What is the best way to keep track of popular out-of-stock items so that I can prioritize restocking?

Uriel Stephens

Thursday, June 15, 2023

By using SHopifys built-in tools such as the Shopify admin dashboard, Inventory reports, and Shopify analytics dashboard you will be able to keep track of how your products are moving, although with a lot of data, this can quickly become overwhelming.

The best way to prioritize the restocking of your best-selling products, you should make use of a third-party app such as Best Sellers reSort, which is an automatic inventory management system that will reorder your best sellers, as well as notify you when stocks are low.

Stocky is also a long-time favorite for Shopify POS Pro users. The app aims at identifying product sales trends so that you never run out of your best-selling products. That said, Stocky has been known to not always provide accurate predictions.

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