\nThis script targets the input field with the ID quantity and checks its value against the maxQuantity. If the entered quantity exceeds the maximum allowed, it sets the input to the maximum value and displays an alert.\nQuick Note: Implementing custom code changes can be risky; it might affect your store's performance or compatibility with future updates. Always make backups and test changes in a safe environment before applying them to your live store.\nInstall Third-party Shopify Apps:\nIf coding isn't your strong suit, you can opt for third-party apps like Order Limits (MinMaxify) and Advance Order Quantity Limits. These apps enable you to set minimum and maximum order quantities for your online store. Both apps provide free trial periods, so you can try them out without hesitation.","dateCreated":"2023-08-24T05:32:47.307Z","upvoteCount":0,"url":"https://egnition.io/a/community/product-organization/how-to-create-quantity-limits-on-shopify#64e6ed614e2d3a3339bc9917","author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Abeeha Qasmi","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":""}}}]}}

How to create quantity limits on Shopify?

Asked a year ago

How can I create a limit on the quantity of a product that a customer can purchase?

Agustin Schneider

Saturday, April 22, 2023

To limit the quantity of a product that a customer can purchase from your Shopify store, simply do the following:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin
  2. Navigate to "Products" on the left-hand panel
  3. Select the product that you wish to limit the quality for
  4. Select "Inventory" from the "Products" panel
  5. In the "Stock" field edit the maximum purchase quantity
  6. Select "Save" when you are done

You should note that if you have variants of a product you will need to make these changes for each one. When customers try to add more than the maximum quantity to their cart, they will receive a message saying their limit has been reached.

Abeeha Qasmi

Thursday, August 24, 2023

You can try two other methods to limit the maximum order quantity on your Shopify store:

Modify the Coding:

Here's a simplified example of how you can modify your theme's code using JavaScript and jQuery:

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code.
  2. Find the file that controls the product page, usually named product.liquid or similar.
  3. Inside the product.liquid file, locate the section where the "Add to Cart" button is generated.
  4. Add a script that checks the quantity input before allowing the user to add to the cart. Here's a basic example:


$(document).ready(function() {

$('.quantity-input').on('input change', function() {

var maxQuantity = 10; // Set your desired maximum quantity here

var quantityInput = $(this);

var quantity = parseInt(quantityInput.val());

if (isNaN(quantity) || quantity < 1) {

// Invalid input, reset to 1


} else if (quantity > maxQuantity) {

// Exceeded maximum, set to max


// Display a message to the user

$('#quantity-message').text('Maximum order quantity exceeded.').show().fadeOut(3000);





This script targets the input field with the ID quantity and checks its value against the maxQuantity. If the entered quantity exceeds the maximum allowed, it sets the input to the maximum value and displays an alert.

Quick Note: Implementing custom code changes can be risky; it might affect your store's performance or compatibility with future updates. Always make backups and test changes in a safe environment before applying them to your live store.

Install Third-party Shopify Apps:

If coding isn't your strong suit, you can opt for third-party apps like Order Limits (MinMaxify) and Advance Order Quantity Limits. These apps enable you to set minimum and maximum order quantities for your online store. Both apps provide free trial periods, so you can try them out without hesitation.

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