How do I adjust product variant quantities for multiple locations?

Asked 2 years ago

Hi all, I have recently established a second warehouse location to store stock for my e-commerce business. I am unsure how to change the inventory quantities for my products that have variants and are based in multiple locations. Any help with this would be great.

Abeeha Qasmi

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Multiple locations will get you a location filter whose data will be saved as a cookie. To adjust the variant quantities according to location, follow the given steps:

  1. Click Products > Inventory.
  2. Optional Step: You can select a location other than your default one by tapping the location name and changing it.
  3. Tap the product variant and then click Available.
  4. Change the quantity by adding your desired number inside the Adjustment box.
  5. Click the tick icon to confirm your changes.

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