Can I Limit Product Quantities in My Shopify Store?

Rebekah Brace
By Rebekah Brace
Head and shoulders photo of Michelle Meyer
Edited by Michelle Meyer
Joel Taylor
Fact-check by Joel Taylor

Updated July 3, 2024.

eCommerce store owner in a red shirt checking her product quantities in boxes

Shopify allows you to limit product quantities in your store for specific items in the Products section of the Shopify admin page.

Doing this can have a number of benefits. It helps you keep track of your inventory levels more effectively and reduces your risk of rapidly selling out of popular products. Plus, it can encourage customers to act fast by showing them only a limited quantity of each item remains.

To limit the number of products available for sale in your Shopify store, log in to your Shopify admin portal. Next:

  1. Go to the Products section of your admin page.
  2. Screenshot_Limit number of products_Step 1
  3. Click on the product you want to add a limited quantity to.
  4. Screenshot_Limit number of products_Step 2
  5. In the Inventory section, enter the maximum quantity customers can buy.
  6. Screenshot_Limit number of products_Step 3
  7. If you have variants for the product, enter a quantity for each variant.
  8. Click Save.

Limiting Product Quantities in Shopify

Shopify gives you a range of ways to edit how your products are displayed to potential customers. You can display product variations, highlight which items are out of stock, and even showcase a range of product pictures. You can also edit SKUs and determine which tags or categories are associated with each product.

To make the most of your products in Shopify, use the Egnition Bestsellers reSort app to organize your products however you choose, configure sorting rules for each collection, and maintain complete control over your sort order. Use the tool today to improve your ROI and inventory to sales ratio and save time mastering Shopify!

Bestsellers reSort

4.8/5(73 reviews)

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