How Many Images Can a Product Have in Shopify?

Ali Shah - Writer for Egnition
By Ali Shah
Joel Taylor
Edited by Joel Taylor

Published July 2, 2024.

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Having a Shopify store doesn't guarantee sales—you have to carefully craft all the important aspects of your product listings to draw in potential customers. Among these, you should pay special attention to your product images because they directly portray your product to buyers.

In addition to including high-quality images that enhance your store's visual design and accurately represent your product, it's important to have a satisfactory number of images to highlight all of the product's essential features. This will enable you to better present your product and boost sales.

Does Shopify limit the number of product images?

Yes, Shopify allows you to add up to 250 product images, including the main image and additional images showing different aspects of the product. However, the exact number of images you should include in your listings will depend on what type of product you're selling and how many specific features you want to highlight.

How Many Images Should My Product Have?

Some products may require you to add more images to showcase different angles, sizes, or features, while others may only require a few pictures. However, it's recommended that each product page include 10–15 images.

Exceeding this number can result in a loss of sales by negatively impacting customer experience, as no user wants to scroll through too many product images. On the other hand, providing fewer images than the recommended number may result in underrepresenting your product, as you won't have enough images to capture all its key points.

» Want to improve your product images? Optimize them to drive sales

Make the Most of Your Shopify Product Images With Egnition's App

All-In-One Image Master


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Enhance Your Product Images With Ease

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Having enough product images is crucial to best representing your products in Shopify and increasing sales. However, it's essential for these images to also be high-quality and optimized to reduce load times for a better user experience.

One effective solution to achieve this is using the All-In-One Image Master app to easily enhance your product images and reap the benefits of image optimization, helping you better showcase your products and increase sales.

All-In-One Image Master

» Learn all there is to know about this handy app in the following All-In-One Image Master review

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