How do I run inventory reports on Shopify?
Asked 3 years ago
Where do I go to generate reports for a multi-channel inventory on Shopify?
Hugh Russell
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Multichannel inventory reports can be generated within the Shopify reporting app.
To generate reports on Shopify navigate to 'Analytics' >> 'Reports'
Options from this menu include :
Month-end Inventory Snapshot - This will show stock of various products at month end.
Average Inventory sold per day - A report presenting the average numbers of each item sold per day, categorised by product variant.
Percent of Inventory sold - A value based on the number of variants sold from the start point of the selected period as a percentage of the starting variant stock level.
ABC Analysis - A report categorising your top selling products that make up 80, 15 and 5 percent of your total sales.
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