Can I share customer data, order history, or product information across multiple stores on Shopify?

Asked a year ago

Can I share customer data, order history, or product information across multiple stores on Shopify?

Zaiden Barnes

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Yes, it's possible to sync custom data between multiple Shopify stores. To do so you have a few options.

  • Shopify Plus: Shopify makes it easy to open multiple stores when using their enterprise plan. The plan allows you to sync data, products, and inventory and view it on a single dashboard.
  • Third-party Apps: There is an abundance of apps such as Multi-Store Sync Power, that will effortlessly sync your data across multiple stores for you.
  • Manual Data Export: There is also of course the option of manually exporting the data to a spreadsheet vis CSV. file. This will take longer, but it's also the cheapest option.

I hope this helps!

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